Annual General Meeting

Annual Report and Financial Statement available for download (PDF)

A Word from our President – Lorraine Torpy

As I look back over 2023-2024, I have no doubt that this year will stand out in our history as a milestone in our organizational progress – a year in which we achieved long-standing goals on a scale that redefined our capacity and potential for the future and made me realize how much ARC has had a clear impact on the English-speaking community in Montérégie-Centre.

The employees, under the direction of the Executive Director Christian Lapointe, have once again brought interesting and healthy activities, compassionate services and punctual support to the community. This year-end report will outline the details of our activities.

In 2023-2024 we had a large boost in our membership thanks to the hard work and devotion of the staff and Board members. The interest of the community to be a part of ARC signals that our mission and objectives are necessary and very much appreciated. I wish to welcome all the new members and look forward to seeing our family grow this coming year.

As ARC’s new fiscal year begins, we as a community, are still faced with challenges and continue to look to our partners and the community for direction in putting programs in place to support the English-speaking community in Montérégie-Centre.

ARC’s success would not be possible without the financial support of our funders, the sharing of resources from our partners, the volunteers who contributed to the execution of services and the community at large. For this, we are extremely grateful.

A special thanks to Christian Lapointe and Debra Dorey for their direction and mentoring of all staff members who closed out the year with us: Marianne Jadah, Therese Callahan, Christine Prince, Tania Blood, Alexi Utrera, Karine Parent, Lauren McTaggart and Ashley Daniel.

As President of the Board, I would like to thank my fellow Board members who participated in various committees, projects, and activities: Christine Wright, VP; Chris Craig, Treasurer; Jim Munro, Secretary; Laurel Hewitt, Winsome Wason, Nicole Fortier, Sharon Meehan and Amanda Maruca.

In closing, I know that 2024-2025 will bring new projects and programs, development in the Clarenceville/Lacolle area and our constant support of the English-speaking community.

Past Years Annual General Meetings

Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2023
Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022
Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021
Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020
Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2019
Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2018